
Sunday, 19 June 2011

Hacker watch... again

Sorry about the last two or so days not posting, been busy. Back in business now though.

I hope the dudes alright, but i found this funny:
Another set of hackers have broken into Sega's Pass Database. Spokeswomen Yugo Nagasawa confirmed the news that over 1.29 million users personal data has been stolen. The reaction to the attacks has been swift however, Sega representatives explained that all user passwords had been reset immediately and customers have been made aware that all user details should be changed immediately. The hacking 'group' Lulz Security who were most recently famed for being responsible for the attacks against Nintendo have denied involvement.
The Greek prime minister has announced that Greece will require ANOTHER 100 billion euro bailout to avoid debt default. The Socialist leader George Papandreou warns that without further aid from the EU and IMF Athens cash reserves are expected to run out soon inviting a financial crisis that European official have warned would rapidly contaminate the entire international financial system. The previous bailout of 110 billion euros agreed in last may was the single biggest bailout in western history and new measures are expected to replicate that.

This is so awesome...


  1. what would happen if we just let Greece die?they haven't been a great addition to the EU anyway (in my opinion)

  2. sony, nintendo and now sega....

  3. Man, Greece has been having a hell of a time lately.

  4. I wonder what will happen to Greece?

  5. wow this is crazy about the hackers, theyre on a rampage!

  6. He was gonna take a ball to the face one day. Might as well be sooner than later.

  7. Greece is in trouble, I wonder what will happen

  8. Heh, I'd be afraid to hold the ball, vicious looking kick.

  9. Greece is in pretty bad shape.

  10. Funny terrorist picture. And crazy kick in the video, poor guy.

  11. Lulzsec said they did not do it cause they love Dreamcast. I love those guys <3333.

  12. Is that guy aiming an rpg rocket at him?! what the hells that gonna do?! haha
